At the intersection of the MS-1L and MS-1e Platforms is the MS-1D. A medium scale drone platform built for the future.

Utilizing the same frame as the MS-1L and MS-1e, the MS-1D and MS-1De are modular, mission specific, drone platforms in both electric and traditional piston powered variants.

For both civilian and defense applications the MS-1D is a modular platform that can enable users to fly the mission profile needed.

Aerial Firefighting

The speed and range of the MS-1D allows for the MS-1D to both scout for wildfires, and then remain on mission for an extended amount of time operating as a lead plane for the heavier tankers.


With more than 700 lbs of useful load, the MS-1D can provide crop spraying, and other agriculture, services in an effecient cost effective manner. The electrically powered aircraft flight profile is a perfect match for this

Communication and Connectivity

The MS-1D can operate over areas of natural disasters operating as an airborne communications relay station providing critical communication services for first responders and emergency peresonnel

Monitoring and Grid Surveillance

With its low speed capabilities, parachute system, and long range, the MS-1D can provide unmanned inspection services even in populated environments for utilities like power lines, railways, and pipelines.

Search and rescue

With its low speed capabilities and long range cruise, the MS-1D can locate survivors, and deliver supplies over extensive geographic ranges.