The MySky MS-1L Piston Powered Aircraft
Putting the excitement back in flight training while proving you don’t have to sacrifice performance to be eco friendly
Cruise at 150 kts
795 nm cruise range
700 lbs Useful Load
Seats 2 (Tandem)
Up to 80 lbs baggage
Whole aircraft parachute
The MS-1L is a fully IFR certified aircraft with extensive range capabilities and a wide flight envelope. With a 700 lbs useful load, and up to 80 lbs of baggage capacity the MS-1L can get you where you want to go, when you want to go there, any time day or night.
Pairing the Rotax 916 iS power unit with a FADEC engine control ensures that you have less engine management on your mind while you fly. It will automatically provide the most efficient settings for your flight conditions and provide a super efficient 6 gph fuel burn. The FADEC system also ensures the single power lever design carries over to the MS-1E providing seamless transitions between aircraft.
Designed for Maximum Performance and Fun
The MS-1L all started with a dream to design a plane that can cruise fast, have unbeatable aerial visibility, high performance, and be economical at the same time. The MS-1L can cruise faster on less fuel than its competition and the bubble canopy allows for outstanding visibility in the traffic pattern, the practice area, or on cross countries.
Build it
lightweight ultra strong carbon fiber and fiberglass reinforced construction allows for this frame to have an exceptional 700 lbs useful load for an LSA. This build also allows for a ballistic parachute to be included in the aircraft for additional safety.
Fly It
A bubble canopy, side stick setup, and tandem seating. The entire design is built around making you feel like you’re in something other than an LSA. You’re not flying the plane, you strap it on and take to the skies. Combining 150+ kts cruise, 37 kts stall speed, and 750+ nm range, there is nothing the MySKy MS-1L can’t do.
Range of the MS-1L
Anywhere you want to go, the MS-1L can take you. This range ring visualizes the range of the MS-1L starting from our home airport of Spruce Creek (7FL6). That’s a lot of scenery to see out of a bubble canopy.
Where do you want the MS-1L to take you?
MS-1L vs MS-1e
With a FADEC engine control in the MS-1L giving it a single power level design, the MS-1e will have that same single power level. All internal instrumentation will be identical save for the engine instruments. The power output of the gas vs electric engines will be matched so there is no performance difference in any part of the flight envelope. This means that any pilot can get out of the MS-1L and immediately pilot the MS-1e with no additional training. The same goes for going from MS-1e to MS-1L.
Why we need the MS-1 series of aircraft
Filling the demand for an aging fleet
The average age of the 150,000 single engine piston aircraft in the US general aviation fleet is 50 years old. 20 years ago, that number was 30 years old. The data suggests that aging aircraft are not being replaced. The choice for most pilots right now is to buy a old airplane for high dollar cost, or pay $750,000+ for a factory built new aircraft. MySky intends to change that dynamic by providing a fleet of aircraft that can outperform the competition with an acquisition cost of $245,000.
As aviation has continued to advance, the general design of aircraft have not changed to match new technologies. As a result, many aircraft that were for sale in the 1960’s look mostly the same as they do today. However in that time technology has come into the industry that allows for components to get lighter and stronger. Steam gauges gave way to glass cockpits and air data computers. Steel and Aluminum have been replaced, or augmented, by stronger and lighter composite materials. Additionally, engines can now put out more horsepower with significantly less fuel burn.
As these technologies come into use, legacy manufacturers have to make a square peg fit in a round hole to effectively utilize these advancements. The MySky however, was designed with these technologies in mind and will fully exploit all of the advantages of the newer technology. The resulting product is a fleet of aircraft that can outperform legacy aircraft on both the performance and cost envelopes.
Powering the MS-1L
The Rotax 916 iS is the ideal power unit for the MS-1L platform. Producing 160 hp, at just 6 gph, the pairing will allow the MS-1L to reach destinations no LSA has dreamed of before.
Four-stroke piston engine with four liquid and air-cooled cylinders
Redundant electronic fuel injection and ignition, eco mode
Turbocharger, stainless steel exhaust
Dry sump forced lubrication with separate oil tank, automatic adjustment by hydraulic valve tappets
Engine management system (EMS)
Electric starter (12 or 24 Volt)
Propeller speed reduction gearbox
TBO 2,000 hrs
Maximum operating altitude 23,000 feet
Full take-off power up to 15,000 feet